

New release Warhammer Chaos Marine units in stock now!

By Dan

The armies of Chaos march forth once again, spreading fear and death throughout the lands. This time however, they're bringing the big guns to the table with these all new hot release warriors of Chaos.

First up to the plate is the Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion. This lovely looking chap is big, grizzly and sure to decimate foes in his path (provided you roll some decent numbers). This miniature is painstakingly detailed and once painted and assembled is sure to be an essential addition to your army.

Secondly we have the brand new Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Space Marines Codex which is the first hardback Warhammer 40,000 Codex. This high quality tome contains 104 full-colour pages, and is bound within a cover that features some grim and awesome artwork. The Codex also contains information on how the Chaos Space Marines came to be the bane of their loyalist brethren, from the origins of the Horus Heresy, through to the Black Crusades and the Crimson Path.

Next up, we have my favourite new release. The Chaos Space Marine Forgefiend/Mau­lerfiend is sure to turn some heads all the way around. This hulking behemoth looks like he was designed with one thing in mind, to kill as many meat sacks as possible and paint the battlefield a lovely shade of crimson.

Providing support from the skies we have the Chaos Space Marine Heldrake. Now right off the bat this guy is infinitley more badass than your average run of the mill dragon (maybe not the one voiced by Sean Connery however) .

Last but definitley not least I'd like to introduce you to the Chaos Space Marines Raptors/Warp Talons. The twisted terror troops known as Raptors consider themselves the elite of the Chaos Space Marine warbands. Their murder squads epitomise what has become the Assault Marines of the Traitor Legions. When a pack of Warp Talons emerges from the Warp, it appears to those on the battlefield below as if daemonic warriors have literally burst out from nothingness into fiery, vengeful life. Many stained undies litter the battlefield once these guys have passed through :P

Swing by our Warhammer section today and start a new army or bolster the ranks of your existing army to face these tyranical new units!

Tags: hobbies and warhammer

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