

Mighty Ape presents "off season salt" Fighting Game Tournament

By Chad

Mighty Ape's first official Fighting Game tournament – off season salt!

If you love Street Fighter 5 and Tekken 7 we will be running two massive tournaments with our friends at Megaweb Internet Cafe! Tekken and Street Fighter will each get a $250 pot bonus and prizes for our winners!

SFV + Tekken 7 Tournament

Event date: 09/12/2017
Entry Fee: $5 (+$5 per game)
Location: Auckland Mega Web
Registration: click HERE to register

There will be lots of spot prizes and giveaways throughout the day for everyone including a Logitech G433 Headset, POP vinyls and Redbull for everyone so come down to play some games and win some free loot!

Event Details

Tekken will be 2/3 pools and 3/5 for Top 8, SFV will be 3/5 the whole bracket. Head to head setups will be used and casual setups will be available, bring your own controller or fight stick and headphones (optional). We will release the full schedule, rules and brackets in a later email to all paid and registered entrants.

The event will be live streamed on Twitch so make sure to tune in on the day if you don't make it down –­htyApeGaming

Our Sponsors!

AOC monitors are getting behind the event and will be getting you ready to fight on every head to head setup for the tournament! Power you self up today and check out the AOC Gaming Monitors on our AOC store page!

There will be 1 AOC monitor given away as a spot prize during the event! Make sure you attend for your chance to win with AOC!

Logitech has added to our prize pool with their amazing product the Logitech G433 Headset! Our tournament winners will receive them as a prizes and we have extras for free giveaways on the day – everyone who plays can win!

Redbull has a special collaboration for the event and have supplied us with a massive amount of Redbull energy drinks for all our competitors! Everyone who attends will get free Redbull to keep themselves fueled for more gaming!

MegaWeb will be our host for the tournament. Thanks to them for all the support!