
Company Games

Who won E3 2017?

By Che

Last week was an exciting week for gamers. The annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3 for short) was held in Los Angeles. The entire gaming industry, including Alex from Mighty Ape HQ (lucky monkey!), descended upon LA for a week to showcase their new games, consoles and gaming products.

The expo officially took place from Wednesday to Friday at the Los Angeles Convention Center but the excitement started a few days earlier when the big games companies held their press conferences. The press conferences were full of big announcements and surprises about what we can expect to be playing in the next few years. They started with EA's conference on Sunday, June 11, and ended with the Nintendo Spotlight at an eye-watering 4am (NZT) on Wednesday.

With the close of E3 comes the inevitable question. Who won E3? We will attempt to answer that question for you today.

IGN awarded the IGN Game of Show Award for E3 2017 to Super Mario Odyssey which is coming to Nintendo Switch on October 27th. Let's see if we come to the same conclusion.

To answer the question we looked at our pre-order sales data of E3 game titles from Sunday, June 11, when the E3 madness began until midday Friday, June 16.

Top 10 E3 Games Pre-orders:

  1. Assassin's Creed Origins
  2. Call of Duty: WWII
  3. Star Wars: Battlefront II
  4. Destiny 2
  5. Pokemon Ultra
  6. Super Mario Odyssey
  7. Anthem
  8. Forza Motorsport 7
  9. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
  10. Far Cry 5

By quantity pre-ordered Assassin's Creed Origins was the winner. Pre-orders for the game accounted for 16% of all pre-orders of E3 games titles last week. That's almost double the units pre-ordered for the second place holder Call of Duty: WWII at 9%. These 10 games accounted for 65% of all E3 games titles pre-ordered last week!

We have to admit we didn't expect to see Assassin's Creed Origins at the top of the list. We were also surprised that God of War didn't appear in the Top 10 – it came in at #20. God of War is releasing next year however, and most of the Top 10 titles are slated to release this side of Christmas. We anticipate that God of War will pick up steam a little closer to release. It's interesting to see that despite IGN picking Super Mario Odyssey as their Game of the Show our sales didn't reflect that.

Game Platforms ranked:

  1. Sony PlayStation 4 – 55%
  2. Microsoft Xbox One – 26%
  3. Nintendo Switch & 3DS – 16%
  4. PC – 4%

PlayStation 4 is still dominating this generation of consoles – over 50% of all E3 games titles pre-ordered last week were PlayStation 4 games. Followed by Xbox One with about quarter of all pre-orders, Nintendo with 16%, and PC at a measly 4%.

So the winners from 2017 E3 are… (drum roll)

Assassin's Creed Origins and Sony!

What do you think? Is our Top 10 what you would have expected? Let us know in the comments below…


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  • liam says: 20 June 2017, 8:41pm

    Havnt made any pre-orders yet too soon to commit.
    Also typical that ac and cod are top pre-orders typical annual releases.

  • Marcus says: 20 June 2017, 10:30pm

    why pre order when it cheaper to wait for the price to go down in a few months

  • Jon says: 21 June 2017, 9:02am

    Not really surprised, the top 4 make sense, the rest except for Far Cry don't excite.

    I'm not pre-ordering anything slated for a 2018 release at this stage, though a number of them are must buys IMO, including God of War. A couple of reasons - release dates can slide and 2 - Often gold or special editions will be announced down the track, and I'm very keen on them so I'll wait closer to the time.

  • Danyal says: 21 June 2017, 7:58pm

    Hard for PC to get above 4% when the games aren't stocked. e.g. AS: Origins, Far Cry 5 or Battlefront 2 deluxe would surely boost that number.

  • Matthew says: 26 June 2017, 10:49pm

    Game of the show probably shouldn't be totally in line with preorders, obviously if the number of switches is about 10% of the market a sony compatible game would win the preorder battle. The truth of the matter is it would be extraordinarily difficult for any nintendo game to outsell a top game slated for the top two consoles, the nintendo switch is and will remain a second tier console comparatively speaking. So the games should be judged on merits, not on sales.