

Jabra Sport Coach Wireless Headset Giveaway!!

By Dane

Congratulations to our winner Isabelle R, you're our winner! We will be in touch by email soon :)

Jabra have hooked us up with a set of their awesome Jabra Sport Coach Bluetooth Headsets to giveaway!!

These wireless sports earbuds have intelligent audio coaching optimized for cross training and indoor workouts and an integrated cross training app.

They can be customised for the perfect and secure fit; are sweat and weather proof and powered by Dolby® for true depth and clarity of your digital music while you work out and while on the run.

Fancy a supercoach whispering words of inspiration into your ear as you train,pushing you to new levels of achievement?

You'll be wanting a pair of Jabra Sport Coach Bluetooth Headsets with intelligent audio then.

Thanks to Jabra , we are giving a pair away to a lucky customer. Tell us your training regime in the comments below and also your favourite feature from the Jabra Sport Coach Bluetooth Headset. The most inspiring regime and answer will win.

Check out our Jabra range in our Jabra Brand store

Key Features

  • Sweat and weather proof
  • Intelligent Audio Coaching
  • Trackfit Motion Sensor
  • Immersive Wireless Music Powered by Dolby
  • Jabra's Sport Life App

Winner will be announced on the 4 October 2016


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  • angus says: 22 September 2016, 6:34pm

    Full body weight training 3x and sprints 3x a week.

    No wires! No worries!

  • Darren says: 22 September 2016, 9:13pm

    Well, my training regime consist of 30 knee crunches, 30 cross crunches, 20 leg raises, 20 cycling cross crunches, 30 flutter kicks, 20 heel touches, 60 sec plank, 20 superman. To be honest, I was just scrolling through 9gag 1-2 weeks ago, saw the post (total abs), decided to try this out (interesting enough), like once every three days (just to start out). Not sure where this training regime is working or not, but I think the main thing is consistency.

    What I like about the Jabra Sport Coach Bluetooth Headset is its Trackfit Motion Sensor which can measure my pace, steps, distance and even calories burn! I'm usually just satisfied with the wireless feature, so that I don't pull on the wire and ripping my ears off in the process. But I think now the trackfit feature would definitely be an excellent use for my training regime!

  • Ray says: 22 September 2016, 9:15pm

    Weight and cardio training 5x a week with a different muscle group each day (i.e. international Monday chest day). Use all my work breaks to get time in the gym. Some wireless ear buds would be great for not yanking my ears during deadlines, etc.

  • Tim says: 23 September 2016, 10:34am

    30mins cardio on the row machine while watching the girls on the treadmills, then 1000 bicep curls Ron Burgundy style.
    "Oh its the deep burn! Oh its so deep. Oh I can barely lift my right arm cause I did so many.
    I dont know if you heard me counting I did over 1000"

  • Isabelle says: 23 September 2016, 11:29pm

    I keep it diverse and fun: functional HIIT training (blending weights, bodyweight and cardio) for 30 mins to an hour about 5 days a week, plus 3-4 30-60 min walks and jogs, a yoga class if I can fit it in, plenty of stretching and taking the stairs whenever possible.

    That's an average week, but I try to listen to my body to cut back if I'm not feeling too flash, or increase if I've got a ton of extra energy. Routine and dedication are important to measure progress, but mixing it up and keeping it fun makes it an enjoyable habit, not a chore!

    Loving the sound (literally haha) of the intelligent audio coaching - even when the sneaky voice in my head tells me to throw in the sweat towel and give up, PT Jabra's there to motivate me (and keep me accountable - can't let the both of us down).

  • Regina says: 24 September 2016, 10:24am

    Weights -> cardio -> targeting specific muscle workouts. Simple yet effective, just like Jabra wireless! Dece music wirelessly and Trackfit Motion sensor are the key things you look for when exercising and Jabra brings it all!

  • Sharon says: 24 September 2016, 11:13am

    Boxfit and Metafit classes at the gym, day hiking on a Wednesday and 1 or 2 5k runs in the weekend. I love that these are wireless :)

  • Jonathan says: 24 September 2016, 4:31pm

    I run and do weights, 4 days on 2 days off. I also have various exercises that I do every day for my back which strengthen my core specifically.

  • Brendon says: 24 September 2016, 6:04pm

    Weight training
    Monday: Chest
    Tuesday: Arms
    Wednesday: Back and shoulder
    Thursday: Cardio
    Friday: Legs
    Weekend: Rest
    1 and a half to 2 hours at the gym each day
    Best feature would have to be the wireless feature because I don't have pockets in my gym shorts so i have nowhere to put my phone so i normally don't listen to music

  • Darren says: 25 September 2016, 1:13am

    This is actually quite embarrassing, but my training regime is just walking around in circle at my local park until I hatch my eggs on Pokemon Go. For those who don't know, you can hatch eggs by walking certain distance (2, 5 and 10km). I only have one egg incubator so basically, I have to walk alot if I want to hatch my eggs. I think my favourite feature of the Jabra Sport Coach Bluetooth Headsets is that is its Trackfit Motion Sensor, keeping track of how much I walked, would be beneficial for my health and lifestyle!

  • Emma says: 25 September 2016, 9:17am

    Strength training and cardio 4-5 times a week.

    I love that they are wireless, sweat and weather proof

  • Rishi says: 25 September 2016, 10:37am

    It would be a lovely addition to my fitness regime at gym. Currently have none.
    I go to the gym as 4 days max to 3 days minimum in a week. I usually start with Legs and Abs and mostly mix it with major and minor body parts. Doing so I rest for 48 hours as then do keep doing other things and work but not return till the day after the day after to wirk out on Biceps, Triceps and Forearm. 3 sets each for all and o make sure to leave gym as if my arms are just hanging out there and fully stretched. Again the rostered time at gym causes me to skip for till the second day to just do 3 full on heavy exercise for Chest and go home. Next one is Shoulder and Back. 3 sets each with mix thrown here and there and 1 each for shrugs and Lower Back.
    I have made my schedule in such a way that even if I miss anything that I have still time to cover that up. Life can get hard so keep fighting that hard. Exercises are something I keep changing after few months and I stay focused on the main ones without worrying for other things. My gym time is after spending 8 to 9 hours at work and travelling to and fro that I hit the gum straight after coming off the train before I go home as 3 out of 4 times for my workout. So sadly but true my work day can make or break my workout regime.
    The best feature of the Jabra Sport Coach Wireless would be the Dolby part to give listeners the true, clear audio and the depth too.

  • Kim says: 25 September 2016, 10:38am

    I'm a member of nerd fitness academy and do bodyweight training.
    I like that these headphones have audio coaching as well as play music and are wireless

  • Candice says: 25 September 2016, 2:22pm

    30min interval cardio sessions in the mornings and conditioning in the afternoons which consist of weight training and body weight training. This I do 5 days a week. The two rest days i do some yoga.

    My favourite feature is that its wireless and that its sweat and weather proof as im normally soaken wet in sweat during training and often go for runs in the redwoods.

  • Candice says: 25 September 2016, 2:23pm

    30min interval cardio sessions in the mornings and conditioning in the afternoons which consist of weight training and body weight training. This I do 5 days a week. The two rest days i do some yoga.

    My favourite feature is that its wireless and that its sweat and weather proof as im normally soaken wet in sweat during training and often go for runs in the redwoods.

  • Sue says: 25 September 2016, 2:52pm

    Each week I do
    2 x yoga sessions
    4 x personal trainer sessions
    5 x own training (routine worked out by personal trainer) sessions

    They can be customised for the perfect and secure fit

  • Cameron says: 26 September 2016, 5:40am

    monday: Rowing, Weights in the gym
    Tuesday: Rowing, weights in the gym, Rowing, underwater hockey training
    Wednesday: Rowing, Weights
    Thursday: Rowing, weights, rowing, underwater hockey
    Friday: rowing, weights, underwater hockey
    Saturday: weights
    Sunday: 4 hours rowing, weights, 1 1/2 hours underwater hockey

    All fitted in around school!! Wireless headphones would be awesome to give me one less thing to worry about!!

  • Nicholas says: 26 September 2016, 10:11am

    Weight and cardio on a four day cycle of muscle groups. legs, back and shoulders, arms, chest and core. Mostly cable stuff for weights, and rowing and cycling for cardio.

  • Roger says: 26 September 2016, 12:14pm

    Having snapped my Achilles Tendon two months ago, my current training regime consists of lying flat on my back and lifting remote controls that will try and control my music while I read. HOWEVER in the near future I will be resuming my exercise regime under the tutelage of my Physio, and will be taking it very quietly while getting my balance sorted out and then getting my regime of sit ups weights, push ups and eventually star jumps, each morning. Eventually I will be able to resume my morning run with the dog! To have the capability to listen to my music on a Jabra wireless / Bluetooth headset (without waking anyone) would be a real bonus....
    It is so much easier to music, and the Jabra unit looks very cool! R

  • Adam says: 26 September 2016, 5:06pm

    Usually go for a 6km run a few times a week

  • Grant says: 26 September 2016, 10:37pm

    I'm not hardcore, I just fit exercise in when and where I can. Typically I go for a jog twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening, regardless of the weather.
    I like that it is sweat and weather proof.

  • Daniel says: 27 September 2016, 4:52pm

    I just go for a 5km run and basic exercises. My favorite feature would be the intelligent audio coaching.

  • Sonia says: 28 September 2016, 10:08am

    I go gym by myself so getting to the gym is one thing, but staying motivated to do so is another. The personalised in-ear audio coach would make the perfect gym partner and would be awesome motivation whilst moving freely through the/my workout without the hassel of wires getting caught on equipment (has happened way too many times during cardio sessions). Working out and using the Jabra Sport Coach Bluetooth Headset just makes sense and would make life a whole lot easier!

  • Matthew says: 30 September 2016, 1:19pm

    I don't have alot of time to keep myself fit so I have a 20 minute daily routine when I get up in the morning, before all the chaos begins. 4 days a week I hit the jump rope like a maniac and 3 is mainly body weight work outs and lighter stretching. I try to go for a long run once a week also but I have to admit that I am a bit of a fair weather runner.

    The best feature about these bluetooth headsets for me is that it is wireless and has a secure fit. I am done with using wired earphones since the wires always interfere with what I am doing and they keep on falling out. This would be a dream win for me.

  • Polly says: 30 September 2016, 2:18pm

    I try to go for a 30 minute run 5 times a week as well as a some pilates and other light body weight exercises. I avoid the gym because it is always far too intimidating and is more rewarding to keep fit on my own steam.

    The audio coaching is a really great idea. It covers beginners to advanced level so there is something in there for everyone. Good for when you are too busy to plan your own workout routines.

  • Cam says: 2 October 2016, 7:42pm

    My favourite feature is that they are sweat and weather proof! I'm a bit of a sweaty pig right now trying to claw (hoof?) my way back to health so I need a tough pair of earphones that can stand up against my rivers of perspiration. I used to be fit but partly due to laziness and partly due injury I have really let myself go. I have since had back surgery and my wife had our little boy. I want to be a healthy Dad so I can be there for him for years to come and I want to be an active Dad so I can enjoy life with him. I'm starting off with baby steps though as I am coming of absolutely zero exercise. So far I've switched out soda for water and I start my day with a few cycles of the Sun Salutation and I've already dropped 5 kg after a few weeks! My next goal is to go for a walk/jog (walk for a bit, jog for a bit, walk for a bit etc...) 4 times a week so that headset would come in handy as I love my music. Listening to "the eye of the tiger" will help me keep my motivation up.

  • Irene says: 3 October 2016, 6:15pm

    Cardio (until I am bored... which is quick without music to listen to)
    Weights (until I'm tired... need an audio coach)
    Core (but sit-ups are boring)
    The Jabra Sport Coach Bluetooth Headset would be perfect to not only track the workout but also make workouts less boring with music without the annoying wires!

  • Brendon says: 4 October 2016, 1:08pm

    Jacked and Tan 2.0
    Squats + Deadlift variation, 5x leg/back accessories.
    Bench and more bench, 5x shoulder accessories.
    Deadlift + Squat variation, 5x leg/back accessories.
    OHP + Bench variation, 5x chest/tricep accessories.

    Death by volume.

  • Brendon says: 4 October 2016, 1:13pm

    Best feature: Wireless.

    Lots of bending at the hips destroys the connection at the plug, resulting in one or fewer of the ear buds functioning. 3 pairs gone in 5 weeks is ridiculous, so I have to listen to the gyms Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber playlist. People think I have sweat running down my face. But it's not. It's tears.