
Health & Beauty

Goodbye Movember, Hello Decembeard!

By Cushla

Decembeard is by far the cooler older cousin of Movember. Lets face it, a beard makes you cooler, manlier, more respected, and as an added bonus – it ups your chances of being an extra in The Hobbit.

A good beard is a statement of admiration, like a properly tailored suit it can take a boy to a man, and the best part is it's free! Of course, it's all about maintenance so we've outlined some simple tips to get a strong full beard going, as well as a few reasons why a beard is what you need to have in your life.

Keep It Trim
Whether you're planning to sport a little stubble or going full on Galifianakis, you have to keep your beard in check. Nothing too manicured and overstyled, or wild and overgrown. A quick trim of overgrown areas will keep the beard looking even and tidy whilst it grows in. A beard trimmer may be necessary if you are keeping it office appropriate through the day.

Don't forget that December is the month of eating, drinking and excess – and you don't want your beard getting in the way. I'm saving it for later is not a valid excuse for food on your face – no matter the occasion. Trim the edges to make sure you can eat certain foods – don't let your beard eat your dinner before you got the chance to!

Don't Forget To Cleanse & Moisturise
Not cleansing your beard is a rookie error, you gotta keep it clean! Just wash as per normal whilst your beard builds in, however try to avoid cleansers designed for acne prone skin, or peroxide as these harsh cleansers tend to damage the hairs.

When in the initial stages of growing a beard it is important to get past the frustrating itchy phase. If you get itchy try using moisturisers and oils to ease the itch.

A good skin and beard oil will keep your whisker ends from becoming tiny razor wires and will keep it growing strong (And the Mrs happy!).

Meat, Meat and More Meat – It's Finally the Cure!
If the beard of your dreams just doesn't want to reach its full potential there are a few things to do.

If you want a fast growing beard you have to boost your natural testosterone. Lifting weights, eating meals high in protein, and taking vitamins like fish oil all naturally help boost testosterone.

Embracing your rugged masculinity that comes with a beard and gorging on steak, bourbon and ribs can also only help… however the science on this one is still pending

5 Top Reasons Bearded Men Are Better.

  • Women Love It – Don't be fooled by the odd complaint and bush man comments, whether women will admit it or not we do love a good beard
  • It demands respect – forget looking like a fresh faced youngster, the bearded man is one who looks like he has seen the world and has a few tales to tell
  • It gives you something to stroke whilst you are thinking. Don't twiddle a pen like everyone else in the boardroom, be the leader and think like a man.
  • A bearded man is a man of patience – Growing a beard can be trying at times. The itching, the cleaning, the stray hairs that always find their way into your mouth… A long beard is a sign of someone that can weather the storm.
  • A back up profession of lumberjack is now on the cards. So are bearded hobbies like mountain biking, hunting and tramping.

So there you have it! Just a few helpful tips to keep your Decembeard in check. If there's any we've missed out, be sure to let us know in the comments below, and be sure to swing by our Mighty Health & Beauty Store and sign up for Health & Beauty newsletters to be in the draw to win her a $500 beauty prize pack!

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  • Shaun says: 2 December 2014, 7:55pm

    And not a word of a lie was told.