
Baby & Toddler

Baby Shusher Giveaway

By Sheryn

The Baby Shusher will be the number one tool in every parent’s tool box. It is the newest peace provider in the New Zealand parenting market that takes the stress out of trying to calm a crying baby. Its success with calming unsettled babies the world over will resonate with pregnant women and new parents alike.

Designed as a practical solution to the fourth ‘S’ of Dr Harvey Karp, The Happiest Baby on the Block. The Baby Shusher provides a rhythmic shushing sound to mesmerise babies and infants into a sleep state. Even adults find The Baby Shusher relaxing.

It is a doctor-approved and thoroughly tested technique designed to break a baby’s cry spell and engage their natural calming reflex. The rhythmic shush reminds baby of being inside mum, with loud sounds of blood flow and other in utero noises up to 95 dBs, or the sound of a very loud vacuum cleaner.The ‘shush’ sound imitates the sounds that baby was used to in the womb and provides a hypnotic familiar noise for baby to relax to.

  • The Baby Shusher can be set for 15 minute or 30 minute play settings and has adjustable volume settings.
  • It is a compact, easy and sleek accessory that reduces the stresses of trying to settle a fussy baby when out and about, at home or even in the car.
  • It is portable, easily fits into a nappy bag and only requires 2 AA batteries.
  • This is the product that will help parents find peace, get more sleep and take control of calming their baby easily.

We are giving away two Baby Shusher to two lucky winner.

Tell us “I would like to win Baby Shusher because…”

Competition end on 15th October 2015

Tags: competition


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  • Kasia says: 9 October 2015, 11:52am

    I would like to win a Baby Shusher because.. Sometimes it's near impossible to calm my little one down when she gets worked up, anything that would help would be a bonus! :)

  • Pania says: 9 October 2015, 11:57am

    I would like to win a Baby Shusher because we are expecting a little one soon and the Shusher is a miracle worker!

  • Svetlana says: 9 October 2015, 11:59am

    i Would like to Win a Baby Shusher because at the moment , my 7 week baby can sleep easily in my arms but always wakes up as soon as i put him down in his Moses Basket and i really need him to sleep in his own bed and not alwys in my arms. plus hes not a lite baby lol :)

  • Siobhan says: 9 October 2015, 12:01pm

    I would like to win a Baby Susher because my baby only goes off to sleep if you sush him creating a very light - headed mum after 10 plus minutes of doing so!

  • Liberty says: 9 October 2015, 12:02pm

    I would like to win baby shusher because my brother is expecting a new baby soon and I think that this would be an awesome tool for the new parents to use! Pls pick me!

  • Adele says: 9 October 2015, 12:12pm

    I would like to win a baby shusher because my baby still has a hard time falling to sleep by himself hes 1, he was a colic baby and i heard these were amazing ! My life would be complete lol

  • Rebecca says: 9 October 2015, 12:13pm

    I would like to win the baby shusher as I think it would make a great present to add into a baby shower basket that I'm preparing for a good friend. (All presents bought from Mighty Ape of course!)

  • Hayley says: 9 October 2015, 12:27pm

    I would like to win a baby shusher because my girl is easily unsettled when it comes to sleep time and has become so difficult for us parents especially because she wakes often in the middle of the night! I want some sleep aswell please!!!'

  • Amy says: 9 October 2015, 1:02pm

    I would like to win a baby shush because my wee one suffers from silent reflux and the shushing sound seems to really help but is hard on his mum and dad to keep it up!

  • Jenna says: 9 October 2015, 1:21pm

    I would like to win Baby Shusher because teething sucks and sleep time is quite interrupted at the moment.

  • Matthew says: 9 October 2015, 2:34pm

    I would like to win Baby Shusher because it would be great for calming my little ones. My daughter loves me shushing but it does get tiring quickly!

  • Jen says: 9 October 2015, 2:54pm

    Would love to ein the baby shusher because....
    My lips are sore
    My mouth is dry
    From shushing and shhing my lil guy
    From dawn til dusk he is busy growing and playing
    By bedtime hes exhausted but needs a baby shusher friend
    To help him nod off to wonderious dreamland.
    The baby shusher would be mums greatest tool and Dads saving grace
    And give us all some cool dreams to save face :)

  • Jade says: 9 October 2015, 2:59pm

    I'd like to win a baby shusher because it will be such a help for our littlest to nod back to sleep during the night- we have 3 other kids in close proximity and I'd hate for them to wake

  • Leazer says: 9 October 2015, 9:52pm

    I would love to win one, so I can put my boy down when he's tired/sleepy and not hold him the whole time. He's a growing boy and he's heavy :/

  • Nadia says: 11 October 2015, 8:52am

    I would love to win the baby shusher! My little one is a troubled sleeper and the only thing that seems to work is shushing and rocking, and he's a big boy! My arms are struggling to cope, and my mouth gets so dry from shushing and singing the same lullaby over and over and over and over again. This would be a complete lifesaver!!!!

  • Emily says: 11 October 2015, 9:16am

    I would love to win a baby shusher because my just one year old is about to make the transition from sleeping in our room to sleeping in his own room. This would really help I think! Plus baby #2 is on the way so it'd be fab when I have two of them to put to sleep!

  • Rachelle says: 11 October 2015, 9:23am

    If like to win a baby shusher because our first baby just would not sleep...we don't want that for baby #2! And I know how good the shushers are!

  • Tracy says: 11 October 2015, 10:11am

    Would love one for when bubs arrives as would love all the help I can get to get them to sleep!!

  • Angela says: 11 October 2015, 7:45pm

    I would love to win a baby shusher as I am due in 6weeks, I am hoping she isn't going to be like my last baby who cried constantly and was inconsolable for the first couple of months. I was lent a shusher when she was 7 weeks old and oh my gosh my baby calmed down and slept longer than 20mins for the first time ever! Winning this would be awesome

  • Siobhan says: 12 October 2015, 11:55am

    I would love to win a baby shusher, my toddler still need me constantly going sshhhhh sssshhhh to help settler into a sleep and with our baby due soon i can see this being super helpful so both children can get a good full sleep.

  • Rose says: 13 October 2015, 11:03am

    I would love to win the baby shusher because i have been using an old cell phone with a white noise app for this since she was born and its beginning to wear out. This is the only way she will go to sleep.

  • claudine says: 13 October 2015, 7:38pm

    I'd love one cos saying shusssh endlessly until my girl goes to sleep dries out your mouth!

  • Sheryn says: 16 October 2015, 2:47pm

    Congratulations to Kasia Irvine & Emily Lange for winning the Baby Shusher!!

  • Kasia says: 16 October 2015, 3:37pm

    Yay! thank you Mighty Ape! :)