Pokemon (ポケモン), short for the original Japanese title: Pocket Monsters, is a huge pop culture franchise created by Satoshi Tajiri back in 1995. The story is based on human trainers and the fictional creatures to fight each other for sport. It all started as a game for the Game Boy published by Nintendo. Soon it was popularized with video games, trading card games, anime tv shows, movies, toys and other merchandise.
In 2016, Niantic published Pokémon Go, the free mobile game that allows players to capture Pokemon appear on device screens as though in the real world. The game became one of the most used app since after launching. It was also a boon to the stock value of Nintendo. Pokemon Go Plus is the wearable device that vibrates when the trainer is near a Pokemon or a point of interest. Players can push the button on the device to perform actions like picking up Pokemon eggs and Poke Balls.