The first half of this game is tremendous stuff. It's good-looking,
atmospheric, and while it's difficult to get the hang of the combat system at
first, that's fitting – your character is supposed to start out as such a
wimp that even fighting a tame sheep is a daunting prospect :-) The world is
immersive and good-looking, believable, fun to explore. It's great fun.
But. About halfway through the game, the fun just kind of … wears off. At
about the time when you find that you're capable of taking on an Orc one-on-one
without dying more than half the time – about when you first come back from
the Valley of Mines – everything suddenly becomes very, very tedious.
It's no longer an exciting game of exploration; it turns into a hack'n'slash
fest. You just put up with ploughing through hordes of monsters, because you're
sure that once you've got to some threshold moment or other, the game is going
to become fun again. Well, it doesn't. Partly this is because you spend the game
going backwards and forwards between two regions: you're already familiar with
them, so exploring isn't fun any more.
I couldn't finish the game, which doesn't help. After the battle with the
final boss the game would crash every time, before I could get to see the
ending sequence.
But go ahead, buy it, it's cheap. Throw it away once the fun wears off.
It's decent value.