Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar Timecard previews

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4.3 out of 5 stars Based on 6 Customer Ratings

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"Essential for LOTRO players!"
5 stars"

Lord of the Rings Online is a great game to play with hundreds of quests, excellent graphics and friendly players and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. But my free trial is running out, so I must purchase a timecard to continue my adventure…

This timecard will give you 60 days (about 2 months) playtime. Timecards are just like prepaid phone cards, simple to use and also cheaper than paying the monthly fee of US$15 online (around $26). Plus the bonus buddy key is great if you want a friend to join you for a week. :) And the option of getting a lifetime subscription without the use of a credit card is great for those who get annoyed at having to keep paying monthly costs.

The lifetime subscription is around US$200, so that's about $400. Ouch, you may think, that's expensive. But if you think about it $400 in timecards is about a year's playtime. So $400 will give you a LIFETIME subscription. And seeing as how this game is expanding and updating frequently, the game is going to be huge and take more than a year to play if you do every single quest.

For now, timecards will keep me playing for many months and I can get my friend to join me via the buddy key. So fellow Lord of the Rings Online gamers, I will see you ingame. Look for Enewyn, I'll be happy to help you with quests and be excited to meet a fellow NZer! Haven't got Lord of the Rings Online? You're missing out on a very enjoyable game. :)