
Company Games

Mighty Ape's sneak peek at the PlayStation Vita

By Che

Mighty Ape and Sony teamed up last week to put on an event exclusively for Mighty Ape customers. One hundred or so gamers and Mighty Ape staff crammed into a bar in Auckland city on Wednesday night to get a sneak peek at the forthcoming PlayStation Vita.

The night opened with a brief presentation by Glen from Sony about their impressive new handheld console. He discussed it's many features including the dual anaolg sticks, touchscreen, rear touch pad, front and rear cameras, and the ability to use the Vita as a controller for your PS3. Following the presentation everyone was given the opportunity to have some hands-on time with the Vita and games including Uncharted, WipEout 2048, Little Deviants, Reality Fighters, and more.

It was a great night out! We wanted to share the night with everyone who couldn't make it to our preview night – there was only so many people we could cram into the bar – so we brought along a camera and had a chat with a few punters to get their thoughts on the amazing PlayStation Vita.

PlayStation Vita's launch is mere days away, Thursday to be precise, pre-order yours now to save $20 off the full price and receive it on release day!

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