
Baby & Toddler

10 Essential products to help your Baby sleep!

By Sheryn

Happy baby, Happy parents!

1. Grobag Sleeping Bag

Babies often wake from the cold, particularly once they are active enough to kick off blankets. The temperature between 3–5 am is significantly cooler than when you put your baby to bed.

If your baby is waking around 3–5am and can self settle at bedtime, then cold is highly likely to be the reason. Plus it is a very simple problem to resolve, so you can then see if there is any other cause for waking in the night.

We recommend you use a quality baby sleeping bag. This means you don't need blankets (which can be kicked off) and ensures your baby stays a comfortable temperature all night.

This Grobag has a 2.5 tog rating and is suitable for rooms 20 degrees and under.

2. Baby Shusher

The Baby Shusher will be the number one tool in every parent’s tool box. It is the newest peace provider in the New Zealand parenting market that takes the stress out of trying to calm a crying baby. Its success with calming unsettled babies the world over will resonate with pregnant women and new parents alike.

Designed as a practical solution to the fourth ‘S’ of Dr Harvey Karp, The Happiest Baby on the Block. The Baby Shusher provides a rhythmic shushing sound to mesmerise babies and infants into a sleep state.

3. Crane Humidifier

Why should I use a Humidifier?
The real question is why shouldn't you? Humidifiers add essential moisture to indoor air, relieving congestion from the common cold and flu and soothing scratchy throats, dry skin and eyes, and irritated sinuses.

Perfect for babies, adults, and everyone in between, a humidifier’s ad­ditional moisture thins the mucus in the sinuses, making it easier to breathe. And we know that when it comes down to your family’s health, you’re all about breathing easy! Even if you’re feeling great, Crane Drop Humidifiers are must-haves. From smooth skin to shiny hair to cared-for furniture, they keep you and your home looking beautiful and feeling comfortable. Now that's Better Living.

4. Miracle Blanket

Help your baby sleep better than you ever imagined with this 100% cotton knit Miracle Blanket. The Miracle Blanket makes it easy to get the perfect swaddle every time, even in the dark! Your baby will sleep better, longer and will be less fussy since he/she will finally get the sleep they (and you) so desperately need.

One size fits all babies up to four months! It makes breast feeding easier. It also can't impede development of hips and knees. As baby grows, her legs extend beyond the tight portion of the wrap for free movement and joint development. Breathable fabric limits the risk of overheating.

5. Nuna Leaf

Smart Danish design. Nuna Leaf Seat, inspired by the carefee float of a leaf on a breeze.

The LEAF baby seat treats baby to a similarly mesmerizing ride. Our distinctive design–the only of its kind–was invented from baby’s point of view and works at playtime, lunchtime and mama’s choretime.

Whether it’s a motor-free ride to newborn dreamland, a wiggle party once they’re walking, or a crash pad after a hard day on the preschool playground, LEAF is both revolutionary and evolutionary—and endurance-tested up to a whopping 80 kg. That should keep them rocking out for years.

6. Zazu Sleep Trainers

Sleep training. The colour of the light tells your child when it’s OK to get up. Pam will light up orange when it’s only half an hour longer and green when it is OK to get up.

Play unlimited music and stories via the wireless speaker.

Choose your own colour nightlight: multi-colour, pink, white, blue or red.

Continuous light or auto shut-off. Set the 30-minute timer to automatically switch off after your child has dropped off to sleep.

7. Gro Egg

Peace of mind at a glance – the innovative Gro-egg changes colour to let you know at a glance whether the temperature of a room is too low, too high or just right, helping you maintain a safe sleeping environment for your baby.

As an added bonus it even works well as a gentle night light. A yellow glow suggests a comfortable temperature for children to sleep in, whilst a blue glow suggests it's too cold and a red glow suggests it's too warm.

8. Sleepytot Bunny Comforter

Sleepytot’s award winning baby comforters have little velcro paws which can hold onto dummies, soothers or teethers.

The Millpond Child Sleep Clinic recommend these comforters as a way of helping little ones find their dummies easily at night and return to sleep without fully waking.

9. Sigrid's Baby & Kids Dreamtime Spray

Sigrid's delightful bedtime spray, contains a natural blend of essential oils. This relaxing blend of Lavender, Chamomile and Clary Sage helps to soothe your baby or child so that they can drift off to sleep much easier.

10. Grobag Gro-Anywhere Blackout Blind

A Portable blackout blind for when it's still too light to say night night! Anyone who has stayed away from home with little ones will know that it can be tricky to create a snoozy sleeping environment when there is too much light flooding in.

The versatile Gro Anywhere Blind has been designed to ‘go’ anywhere with you, and can be put in place in minutes.

Attaches directly to the glass using suction cups, ensuring a close fit that really does block light properly

Tags: Baby and soother

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