
Computers Electronics

Science Fiction Gadgets that are becoming Science Fact!

By Andi

If you're anything like us, the prospect of gadgets and technology from Sci-Fi movies becoming something real gets your mind racing! With hoverboards from Back to the Future becoming a reality (though sadly no time-travel) it makes you wonder what else is about to make its way from science fiction to science fact.

We've put together just a short list of things that are quickly making their way into the realm of possibility – and while we probably won't be able to afford them any time soon, the fact that they're being made is super exciting. Check them out!

1) Holograms

You can't talk about Sci-Fi and not talk about Holograms. Star Wars, Star Trek, and everything in between – the 360 viewing of an object is the future.

Naturally, something this cool can't be contained to cinema and TV so people like the folks at Leia Display are doing some about it.

Using water vapour to project onto, Leia Displays offer a 3D projection that also uses motion technology to make its visuals fully interactive.

2) Talking Dogs

Who doesn't want to know what their dog is really thinking?

Worst case scenario, you find out about their plot with the cat to overthrow you as Master, but chances are it'll be along the lines of “I was hiding under your porch because I love you.”

Well, the crazy people at The Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery are working on No More Woof, a gadget that translates animal brain patterns into human language.

Just don't be surprised if a lot of your dog's thoughts are “Lick… Lick… Ball? Food? Lick… Food?”

3) Medical Tricorder

Ok, so isn't exactly a Tricorder straight out of your favourite episode of Star Trek, but it's definitely a step in that direction.

The Scanadu Scout doesn't diagnose, but does read a number of vitals, including heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate and oximetry.

We're sure the next model will come with pre recorded lines from your favourite Star Trek Medical Officers…

These are just a couple of cool Sci-Fi Gadgets out there making their way to the real world. Know of any others? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • Cade says: 15 November 2014, 10:09am

    This would go well with the first photo :)