
Baby & Toddler

Win your Moby Wrap for FREE + Free Shipping!

By Janet

You can win your Moby Wrap for FREE. Just purchase any Moby Wrap from now until the end of October to enter the draw. We will pick out one winner and announce here on 5th of Nov!

Moby Wraps are the optimal baby carrier for infants. Parents of newborns have found that skin-to-skin contact with their infants, which can be easily achieved while wearing a Moby Wrap, leads to faster regaining of birth weight.

It is amazing how quickly a baby will settle down once wrapped in a Moby. Pediatric experts like Dr. Sears stress the importance of holding your baby often and close. A Moby Wrap allows you to do this with ease. The style of the wrap ensures your baby is uniquely close, mimicking the natural way a baby is held in its caregiver's arms, while providing ultimate comfort and support.

Your baby can be kept close and happy while enjoying the benefits of being carried. Carried babies cry significantly less, develop secure attachments to their caregivers, have improved sleep habits and have lower levels of stress.

Tags: competition and Baby

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  • Janet says: 5 November 2014, 10:13am

    The winner is Sarah-Kate Pedersen! Congratulations!