

Remember Me shipping next week, score exclusive DLC!

By Che

Remember Me is coming to PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 next week and we have an exclusive pre-order offer for Mighty Ape customers. Pre-order and receive the Nilin Pack DLC free!

Remember Me is a 3rd person action adventure where players take on the role of Nilin, a former elite memory hunter with the ability to break into people's minds and steal or even alter their memories. The authorities, fearful of her knowledge and capabilities have arrested Nilin and wiped her memory clean. After her escape from prison, Nilin sets out on a mission to recover her identity, helped by her last and only friend. This search for her past leads to her being hunted by the very people that created this surveillance society.

Remember Me is releasing on June 6th, pre-order now for release day delivery anywhere in NZ!

Tags: ps3, xbox 360 and pc games

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