Twilight - Special Edition (2 Disc) previews

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4.0 out of 5 stars Based on 128 Customer Ratings

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1 star


These previews were written before the product was released.

26 reviews have been written since this product was released.

3 stars"

If you are a Twilight fan you'll most likely be disappointed by this film. The actors are fine, the setting fine but the feeling, it didn't really feel that great. First off, the whole movie feels really awkward, the song choices are, well not bad but sometimes they don't seem to fit. The actors are good but I think some scenes the acting felt forced or unnatural. Mike Newton is horrible. xD Good camera work though, it had a nice colour palette too which fit the whole Twilightness.

I don't believe this movie was anything near to the shear epic and awesomeness of the book. Maybe some things are just better in writing, maybe the script was just a little shoddy with some scenes directed rather uninterestingly or badly I'm not sure, but this was just not the movie I hope Twilight could have been.

14 out of 25 people found this preview helpful.
"A different spin on old lore!"
4 stars"

I don't know what I expected. The books are being snapped up by teenage girls around the world. Being a huge fan of vampire movies such as Blade, Underworld and being a proud owner of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer boxset, I was not about to let the “teenage girl” thing put me off. And I am glad I didn't.

Without saying too much, the movie offers little action for blood and gore loving movie goers…and yet the atmosphere is intense. You could possibly work out from the cover-art and the Paramore hit “Decode” video, that this IS a love story so that's not giving anything away. Twilight really is a moving and yet torn tale between an immortal and a human, with new “vamp” rules added to the mix (as mentioned in a previous review; the skin sparkling in the sunlight instead of burning) this is new material and worth a watch. Each character is important to the story and the two main roles Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart – Zathura, Panic Room) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson – “Cedric” in Harry Potter) are played out perfectly, each actor fitting the roles like a glove. Bella is your typical teenage girl with self esteem issues, just moved in with Dad, and embarks on a new college in a new town, and on her first day finds that she seems to repulse this mysteriously pale student. Little does she know!

I watched this with a fellow male friend and he was expecting an action movie and therefore was a little disappointed. I hesitate to call this a chick flick simply because it takes things slowly. You have to remember this is the first, in a series of (potentially) four movies, so the characters need to be fleshed out fully for the next instalments to make sense. Trust me, I have read ahead (sorry but I have) and there is plenty of action on the way.

If you are like me, and enjoyed the Buffy and Angel relationship/ten­sion more than the Buffy and Riley standard boy/girl stuff, then you will enjoy this movie. I am a straight married man, and Kristen Stewart is attractive in every sense. But I am sorry to say; Robert Pattinson stole the show with his brooding intensity and ridiculous good looks.

If the movie does nothing but gets you reading Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series, then that's more than most movies I've watched (Happy Potter maybe) have achieved, but people…when you watch this, do so knowing that the best is yet to come…

9 out of 16 people found this preview helpful.
"Could have been better"
3 stars"

I've got slightly higher hopes for the sequel, New Moon.

However, with that said, the Twilight movie wasn't hardly as bad as I thought it would be. The movie, in comparison to the book, was pretty rushed and wasn't very clear in many parts. A girl I went with actually wasn't aware they were vampires for quite some time; she was just under the assumption they were pale from illness! I think the paleness of them was a little… overdone… especially on Dr Cullen. Pale hair and pale skin wasn't doing him any compliments. Hopefully the makeup crew does a better job in the second movie.

The acting was pretty good overall. Bella and Alice are stunning on-screen, in a sense they kind of outshined all the other actors whenever they were on screen. But they all complimented each other well and for a first movie of a sequence, like the Harry Potters, they didn't do as exponentially bad as people were, including myself, expecting.

I would recommend reading the Twilight books before watching the movie. Some people say it ruins the movie's experience, but to be honest I think it adds to it because you know what is going to happen and can enjoy the clues along the way of the movie.

5 out of 8 people found this preview helpful.
2 stars"

After reading the books (really good), I went in the theatre expecting some cut-backs but the amount of them and on top of that the incredibly poor production value (I expected that a top selling book series would get more funding) made it a very poor movie. Wait till its on TV to watch this one…

8 out of 15 people found this preview helpful.
"Twilight: A wonderful, exceptional film!"
5 stars"

I think the movie Twilight was fantastic! The beginning and some of the middle section could have been tightened, and shown more of Bella and Edward's affection towards one another but it was still very good. I loved the baseball scene even though I did not think much of it in the novel. It was very exciting and action-filled! And from then on, it just kept getting better and better. The actors portrayed the characters exceptionally well, especially Charlie, Edward and the rest of the Cullen family; Rosalie came off as quite cold and distant, like she was shown to be in the novel, Emmett was great and looked the part even though he didn't have many lines, Alice was awesome and enthusiastic but she should have had more lines, Jasper was just Jasper, and Jackson Rathbone portrayed him very well, Carlisle was very model-like and very compassionate, exactly like how Stephenie Meyer had described him in the novel, and Esme was very kind and loving towards Bella, which was great. At first, the scenes were too fast, the transitions from scene to scene lasting less than two minutes and it seemed a bit rushed, but I know this is probably due to the thickness of the novel which had to be reduced greatly to fit the time frame of two hours. However, as the film developed, these scene transitions were less noticable and improved noticeably. All in all, it was a magnificent film that dazzled me with exceptional acting. Three cheers for Twilight! :)

10 out of 21 people found this preview helpful.
"Why Do You Love It??!!"
3 stars"

I read the book first and thought that it'll be a good movie. Though i didn't feel that good about it after i watched it at the cinemas, but yeah, can't expect them to put every bloody detail in a just over 2Hr movie. Soaverage movie, but good book. The fuss is mostly about watching the chemistry of the two actors, making all girls' eyes glued to the screen. Thats' alright in a way… though i wouldn't overly watch them…funny how people would though.

Thats my opinion…

5 out of 9 people found this preview helpful.
"A must see for Twilight fans"
5 stars"

They did an excellent job to capture the essence of the Twilight book. The actors portray the characters well, Rob Pattinson does an especially good job making Edward Cullen come to life.

Some poeple complained about the lack of special effects but that's not what this movie about, it's about the story between a girl and her first love, who just happens to be a vampire.

You need to see this if you have read the Twilight saga.

8 out of 17 people found this preview helpful.
"Addictive movie"
5 stars"

I was dragged along to this movie by my sisters, and when i saw it i was hooked , same with my sisters – they watched the movie at the cinema's 3 times!!, this has to be my favourite movie, after seeing the movie i ventured out and purchased all 4 books. After reading the whole series , it makes me want to watch the movie even more! and the movie was really well done – its the most exhilarating movie ever!

7 out of 15 people found this preview helpful.
"Worst Vampire Movie Ever Period"
1 stars"

This is a Horrible book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer She is a horrible writter all twilight is a horrible Romance book

The story has no depth the romance is questionable firstly he falls in love with a plain simple not very beautiful character why? i don't know either

there seems no connection and no Reason for the two to be in such a relationship they hardly have any romantic gestures in it.

it doesnt follow the idea's of Vampires Edward shines in the sun instead of burning up into flames whihc is ridiculous.

Characters arent introduced properly and the whole story is Idiotic

One of the worst vampire movies ive ever seen I highly recommend not seeing it if your a fan of a “good” vampire movie

11 out of 31 people found this preview helpful.
"One of the best movies I've seen in a long time."
5 stars"

Twilight is amazing, the actors portrayed their characters very well and they made the movie very similar to the book which i thought was just the best not many movies go by the books they come from but the director for Twilight was just spot on.The movie was exciting and very suspenseful, a very great movie indeed. I'd recommend it to anyone who loves a great movie.

6 out of 16 people found this preview helpful.
"Amazing Movie, Two Thumbs Up!"
5 stars"

Twilight is an awesome movie, the acting was superb and the actors all potrayed their characters with alot of depth and feeling. I really enjoyed the book(s), and the fact that they managed to make the movie very much like the book is awesome, they did a very good job at making the movie entertaining and exciting. Two thumbs up for Twilight!.

6 out of 16 people found this preview helpful.
5 stars"

I couldn't wait to see the movie and it did NOT dissapoint me im that excited about the dvd its not even funny!! My friends tellme i have to read the book they say its better then the movie weither it is or not i dont know but i trust their word!

edward cullen hunk!

4 out of 10 people found this preview helpful.
5 stars"

This Movie is the best vampire movie you can get its completly amazing i cant get enough of it :) i have read all four books and that was simply amazing too :) you should watch the movie its just brillant thank you to stephenie meyer for everything for bringing in twilight now thats just awesome much aye guys !!!

3 out of 8 people found this preview helpful.
"excellent movie"
5 stars"

I saw the movie first then read the book and saw the movie again. Loved it even more the second time. Books are always going to have more info in them, they cant put every sceen into a movie unless you want to sit thru a 6 hour movie or mini series. Cant wait for NEW MOON to come out.

3 out of 8 people found this preview helpful.
"Could have been better..."
3 stars"

As a reader of the Twilight Saga I was looking forward to this film a lot, however I was a tad disappointed by it.

The actors involved were fine, and Robert and Kristen (Edward and Bella) had a lot of chemistry onscreen so it was easy to completely immersed in the film. The stand out to me was Billy Burke (Charlie) who was exactly how I had pictured him, Nikki Reed (Rosalie) a close second.

I found the script the most disappointing and thinking some characters should have said more, and some scenes should have been re-written. A lot of the time scenes seemed to just be chucked together which made it hard to get into for a start but ends pretty well.

All in all Twilight is a pretty average film, and does an ok job at adapting the book. I'll be getting the DVD coz even though it's not a great film, it's one of those ‘must haves’. :)

3 out of 9 people found this preview helpful.
5 stars"

Twilight is great! I believe the cast were perfect, everybody suited there roles extremely good. Perfect. The actual movie isnt as great as the book I believe they cut too many scenes out where as they should have stuck to the book even if Twilight would of been a 3hour movie. Who cares its about Bella and Edward I personally could sit and watch Twilight a million times over and over again. Its not everyday you read a story that pulls you in, then watch the movie and actually see your imagination been brought into picture. Twilight is great Stephenie Meyer trust her to create Edward Cullen the world almost seems a bettter place (Laughs)

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"One of a kind."
5 stars"
Purchased on Mighty Ape

I saw this film because I had nothing to do at the time and now I regret not seeing it earlier. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson capture their characters very well and introduce “forbidden love” at a whole new level.

The slight hint of fantasy in this movie makes the whole film that much more interesting. Very highly recommended for everyone, even if you're not usually into romance movies like me.

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"Ab fab!"
5 stars"

I recommend this movie to absolutely everyone! It's the best movie I think I've ever seen! I love Harry Potter but I'm slowly but surely converting to the ultimate Twilight fan! I have all the books and have watched the movie four times. I can't wait for the rest of the movies to be released. I have posters, badges, books, t-shirts, the movie, everything! I love the Twilight phenomenon! It will hook you too! :)

2 out of 6 people found this preview helpful.
"Books = Great, This = Um."
2 stars"

The truth is, Before reading the books I thought this was quite a good film and it actually lead me to read the books, Going back and veiwing the film again leads alot to be desired, In the books the cortship between Edward and Bella is long, and beleivable, In the film it just happens, They fall in love for no real reason, To be honest it makes absouloutly no sence in the film.

The acting is really dull, We get it, He is a super-hotty, It doesnt excuse his lack luster approach to the acting in the film, the accent is flakey, I understand he is british but it isnt maintained throughout the film and Kristen Stewart really is as dull as a board, Teenage tension? Yeah, sort of. Entertaining? No.

So much of the book has been paraphrased into this film it leaves a poor taste in the mouth, The lines are in there but the context and setting are so off they are almost unrecognisable.

Its a good movie, If you dont read the books, If you havnt seen the movie, Then I dont suggest getting this DVD. The money would be better spent on hours of reading rather then 2 hours of awkward stuttering and teenage faux angst.

2 out of 7 people found this preview helpful.
"This Movie Is The Best Movie Ever Made!"
5 stars"

bella swan a lonely girl has to move to forks with her father charle swan, when she starts school everyone is very intereted in her and want to be her mate but when bella meets edward everything turns upside down. Her love for him grows more and more each day they can't stand to be apart but one day she is in danger when bad vampires come and one of then James gets very obessed with her scent and stalkes and trys to kill her but in the end edward comes to her rescue like he always does!

2 out of 8 people found this preview helpful.
"Does not dissapoint!!"
5 stars"

I could absolutely not wait for boxing day for Twilight to come out after buying the first book and thinking i probably wouldnt like it but after the first chapter i was hooked!! absolutely AMAZING actors especially Ashley Greene for Alice. She was just how i had pictured her! and also with everyone else! have bought about anything that has twilight in it thats how much i love it! cant wait for the dvd to come out with lots of deleted scenes from the book that wernt good enough for the book!!! 10 stars from me!!!!!

2 out of 8 people found this preview helpful.
"Book Based Movie"
4 stars"
Purchased on Mighty Ape

Being based on a ‘#1 Selling Book’ Twilight had a reputation to live up to.

Though some of the book's ideas were missed, the movie is not bad. It could have included some things that the novel had without confusing it.

The movie does have great eye-candy including Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black & Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen (even eye-candy for the older woman with Peter Facinelli).

Overall I believe that the movie did an alright job making it make sense to an audience.

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