
Showing blog posts tagged "Soundtrack"

Guardians Of The Galaxy Soundtrack Back in Stock NOW!


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We've just received another shipment of the HUGELY popular Guardians Of The Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol 1!

If you've been lucky enough to see the blockbuster smash hit film, you know that music plays a huge role.

Explaining how the songs come to play in the story, director James Gunn says, “One of the main story points in the movie is that Quill has this compilation tape that he got from his mother before she died that she made for him. It was of songs that she loved, all songs from the 1970s, and that’s the only thing he has left of his mother and that’s the only thing he has left of his home on Earth. He uses that as a connection to his past and to the sadness that he feels of having left all that and lost all that.”

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