
Showing blog posts tagged "Protein Powder"

[5/6] The Complete Guide to Protein - Mixing the Perfect Shake

Supplements & Vitamins

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This is the 5th blog in our 6 part blog series titled The Complete Guide to Protein. Today is a short & sweet blog to keep you going!

A good quality protein will mix right up regardless of the method or utensils that you use. That’s because these powders are instantized. Instantizing is a process that “fluffs-up” the powder so that it dissolves more quickly and completely in water, milk, or juice. They’re a little more costly, but unless you like protein shakes with the consistency of cold lumpy oatmeal, instantized powders are well worth the added expense.


Read the instructions carefully. Some proteins require multiple scoops, more or less liquid, or a blender or shaker cup to prepare.


Regardless of whether you use a blender, shaker cup, or a glass & spoon, always add the water, milk, or juice first. This ensures that you always have the right ratio of liquids and solids.

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[2/6] The Complete Guide to PROTEIN - Selection Process

Supplements & Vitamins

Add a comment By Talman

Welcome back to the second part of our 5 part blog series, The Complete Guide to PROTEIN! Today we are looking at the selection process of Protein Powders – what to look for, how much to use depending on your schedule and budget.

Q: What is the difference between faster, intermediate, and slower acting proteins?

A: In this case, “faster,” “intermediate,” and “slower” are all referring to the relative speed with which a given protein is broken down in the digestive tract and absorbed into the bloodstream for delivery to the liver and muscle tissues.

Generally speaking, whey proteins are the fastest, egg and whole milk proteins are in the middle, and casein proteins are at the slower end of the spectrum.

By strategically taking distinct types or blends of proteins at different times of the day, you can achieve greater results than by using the same single source protein or by arbitrarily choosing what type you use for every occasion.

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