
Showing blog posts tagged "Lost keys"

I have an App to Find That!


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Kensington make a lot of cool gear, and one of these great gadgets is the Proximo Bluetooth Tracker

The Proximo Fob works with the free App on your phone, alerting you as soon as your phone or keys get too far away from each other. Available for both iPhone and Galaxy S, Proximo makes every day easier by ensuring you never lose your phone in the first place.

A Proximity Meter gives you a distance estimate to your missing item and that's pretty cool, combine this with the ‘Last Seen’ feature that shows you a map with a pin to identify the last place your item was located and it's a solid system :)

You can attach this nifty device to many things, not just keys and phone – stick one on your kid and it'll beep if they stray to far from you in the supermarket! You can even get additional tags and track a bunch of important things :)

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