
Showing blog posts tagged "Case Lighting"

Treat Your Rig Part Three: Lighting!


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We've evicted a few bugs and dusted the entirety of the case and its components, installed some new fans and tidied up the cables.

So why stop there?

We've already put 2 of the Cooler Master MegaFlow 200mm Silent Fans in the front a top of the case for the initial blue glow, but we're never ones to show restraint when it comes to lighting (or anything, really) so we figured we'd take things one or two steps further…

Laying the Strip

We're a huge fan of the DeepCool RGB LED Strip Lighting, so we threw that in for good measure. There's a number of great things about this stripping, the biggest being that it comes with 2 strips of LEDs, so you get great coverage in your case at an awesome price.

We chose to put our strips in two key locations that give great illumination of components, while still hiding the actual LEDs from sight.

The first is at the bottom of the case, running flush with where the windowed side panel attaches. The second is installed on the side of the case at the top, running along the same edge that the windowed panel attaches to.

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