
Showing blog posts tagged "Actioncam"

Capture yourself on the move with Veho


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Whether it's on a snowboard, motorbike or mountain bike wearable cameras can record some incredible footage!

The Veho Muvi Mini Cam is the smallest video camera in the world featuring a high resolution 2MP camera. Perfect for extreme sports.

The Muvi unique micro design enables digital video recording in situations where it may not be possible to use standard camcorders. Coupled with the Extreme Sports Pack the Muvi will allow the user to capture high quality digital video and sound footage hands free. With its robust thumb sized alloy metal casing you needn't worry about your Veho Muvi. It features a 2 Megapixel lens and records in AVI format.

You can check out some footage from this tiny Veho Muvi Mini Cam below. Drive safe!

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