

Competition: Fujifilm Instax - Share from your Smartphone!

By Ben

I use my smartphone as a camera more and more with each upgrade and this new gadget from FujiFilm has allowed me to share my pics in a cool new way!

The Instax Share allows me to send pictures wirelessly from my Galaxy (works with other devices like iPhones as well) and print pictures right there on the spot, hit the re-print button and you'll have another for yourself :)

This device gets really cool when you start playing around with the app

The app offers various features such as image enlargement/re­duction and filters like black & white/sepia. A diverse lineup of templates is also available, making photo printing more enjoyable.

Our favourite was a facebook style with the profile photo and the number of likes :)


Want to check one out for yourself? We've got one right here to give away to the monkey who can take the best selfie. Post it on Instagram/Face­book/Twitter with the hashtag #mightyinstax. A post on each social network gets you an extra entry (max 3). Good luck!

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