Players must prove their worth by passing both intelligence and physical teats, with the mental test deciding the players role within the games team. however, psychosis is seen as attribute rather than a handicap and players displaying truly violent skills will be promoted to Warlord and captian their squad in the oncoming games.
The actual games take the form of a free-for-all battle to the death. Anything goes as a wealth of weapons come into play as players attempt to guide their team to victory. By selecting team members foe special missions, players must think on their feet as they attempt to out-flank their rivals. Similarly, creative use of the landscape and the available hardware is also essential.
The Tournament play allows the player to compete and be ranked on a global scale. A FREE online service will be provided for the benefit of players. This service will provide both a connection point and a global leader board. The Tournament concept will be further enhanced, as we will be running global competitions. It is intended that these competitions will be covering a number of different categories and divisions.
Game Play Modes: