A relationship blossoms between Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed before a fateful car journey has devastating consequences. Prince William tries to integrate back into life at Eton in the wake of his mother’s death as the monarchy has to ride the wave of public opinion. As she reaches her Golden Jubilee, the Queen reflects on the future of the monarchy with the marriage of Charles and Camilla and the beginnings of a new Royal fairytale in William and Kate.
Critics Reviews:
- ""I, for one, will miss this treasure — even this, at times, dutifully dull wrap — and already do."" – Verne Gay (Newsday)
- ""The Crown is a flawed but fascinating experiment in historical television that I value for (among other things) the joyful, even reckless, inconsistency of its characterizations."" – Lili Loofbourow (Washington Post)
- ""From the beginning, The Crown has worked to make compelling drama from ingredients that are often its antithesis… If it hasn’t always succeeded, The Crown at least concludes as the truest version of itself."" – Alison Herman (Variety)
- ""What The Crown represents, ultimately, is an intense six-season exercise in attempting to relate to a family that’s literally unlike any other on the planet."" – Liz Shannon Miller (Consequence)