The series that redefined anime on television in North America! All
49 episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing is finally available for DVD collectors
in sturdy collectors box set! Originally created by Yoshiyuki Tomino (Mobile
Suit Gundam), directed by Masashi Ikeda, and character designs by Shukou Murase
Get Ready to Suit Up! The space colonies have grown tired of the oppressive rule
by the Earth government! They rule unjustly and unfairly, but not unopposed.
Resistance forces in the colonies have created special Mobile Suits called
Gundams and chosen five young pilots to sneak down to Earth and begin a campaign
that will end the Earth government's rule forever! These pilots carry the hopes
and dreams of thousands of people with them as they descend to Earth to fight
for their freedom.
Textless Opening
Textless Ending
Character Profile Gallery
Gundam Profile Gallery
Bandai Previews
Full-screen format