Ireland, 1970s. Eager to leave his dark past behind, Finbar Murphy (Liam Neeson) leads a quiet life in the remote coastal town of Glencolmcille, far from the political violence that grips the rest of the country. But when a menacing crew of terrorists arrive, led by a ruthless woman named Doirean (Kerry Condon), Finbar is drawn into an increasingly vicious game of cat and mouse, forcing him to choose between exposing his secret identity or defending his friends and neighbors.
Critics Reviews:
- “Neeson is as sturdy as ever in a role Clint Eastwood might have played 20 years ago and a few thousand miles away. And Condon excels, giving a stock character a shudder of intensity and three dimensions.” – Danny Leigh (Financial Times)
- “As such, there’s a find-and-replace quality to aspects of the writing… But such stock roles are geed up by performances that are stronger than they had to be.” – Robbie Collin (Daily Telegraph (UK))
- “A solid, old-fashioned Irish Western about what it means to hang up your rifle. It isn’t especially deep, but it’s good to see Liam Neeson find some character depth among the usual shooting and grumbling.” – John Nugent (Empire Magazine)
- "This is a really good movie. I poke a lot of fun at Liam [Neeson] for making the same movie over and over again, but this goes to show you can play that guy without playing "that guy."" – Tim Cogshell (FilmWeek (KPCC – NPR Los Angeles))