In the distant galaxy of Ring World the inhabitant species formed an advanced society. They set their differences and conflicts aside to live in mutual understanding, peace treaty they destroyed their weaponry developed over the long years of war. What wasn't demolished was hid in secret repositories on far-away planets of the galaxy.
Many hundred of years went by in peace. The memory of the dark ages of war faded. The planets of the Ring World became the Gardens of Eden. One day unknown spaceships showed up on the horizon. The beings on-board called themselves HUMANS. The inhabitants had to realise that the rest of the Universe did not live in peace as they had.
After destroying their own home the Humans set out to conquer the universe. They slaved all civilisations they discovered in the Universe, settled on the planets and exhausted the natural resources. They went from planet to planet, from universe to universe: Discovered, explored and destroyed, marking each solar system with a number. Their next target was number 63.....
- PC Games
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