Creative GeForce PRO 32MB DDR
Introducing the World's First GPU:
The 3D Blaster Annihilator from Creative Labs features the world's first 256-bit Graphics Processi ng Unit - the GeForce256 processor f rom NVIDIA. With dedicated transform, lighting, setup and rendering engines and four independent rendering pipelines, this innovative technology consists of more than 22 million transistors - more than double the complexity of a Pentium III! Prepare yourself. Whether you're into multi-player death matches or combat flight sims, you'll never think of 3D gaming the same way again.
Don't Just Break the CPU Bottleneck? Shatter It!
Most 3D accelerators are simply rendering engines that rely on the system's CPU to handle the critical steps of transform and lighting. As CPUs have double in performance, 3D accelerators have become eight times as fast! Chances are unless you've invested in the latest processing power, your 3D accelerator is waiting for data from the CPU. Don't be bound by the performance bottleneck of your system. By processing the entire 3D pipeline on-board, 3D Blaster Annihilator boosts performance regardless of your CPU. Overhaul your system with the graphics processing power of 3D Blaster Annihilator.
Simply Put, Games Need More Complexity:
In the past game developers have been forced to sacrifice game play in order to balance performance across multiple configurations. They have been forced to compromise the number of objects in a scene and limit the polygons used. Until the 3D Blaster Annihilator. With the power to perform, game designers can create more detailed worlds, increase polygon count for more realistic characters and focus on improving game play with enhanced physics and superior artificial intelligence. The future of gaming is increased realism and you can have it now with 3D Blaster Annihilator.
32MB of High-Performance Synchronous Memory:
Talk about headroom! You'll get resolution up to 2 048x1536, in true color, with double a nd even triple buffering, and still have plenty of room left over for on-board texture caching.
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